His Side

About Wyeth

Wyeth Larson is a Washington native, born and raised in Spokane. He grew up surrounded by music and athletic outdoor pursuits, both of which have formed foundations of life-long passions for him. While he considers himself first and foremost a cross-country skier, his more recent activity of choice has been cycling.

After attending the University of Portland, he traveled to Sweden to pursue a Master’s in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability at Blekinge Institute of Technology. He now works at F5 Networks in Seattle.

Wyeth’s parents are Kent Larson and Julie Goltz, and his sister is Ramsey Larson.

The Groomshumans: 

Nathan Williams

Nathan and Wyeth have been friends since they fit in matching toddler life jackets. Despite Nathan’s penchant for causing bodily injury to both Wyeth and himself, they’ve remained fast friends.


Ramsey Larson

Besides the blood-oath obligation, Ramsey’s up here because she’s a pretty rad sister, even if she occasionally grosses us out with doctor-talk and medical oversharing.


Ian Johnson

Is a long time friend from Seattle. Wyeth likes him fine but is perpetually perplexed at Ian’s ability to crack jokes around Wyeth’s parents that would result in Wyeth being grounded even as an adult if he ever attempted them.


Shanleigh Sullivan

No longer blushes on command, but we keep her around anyways. Wyeth and Shanleigh have been friends since enjoying the leisurely sport of cross country in high school.


Matt Covert

Has gone full ‘Sconnie (Wisconsinite) in recent years, but he still brings us back cheese curds, so it’s cool. He and Wyeth never make it through a backpacking trip without a rousing political discussion. So much for the woods being peaceful…


Rachel Prusynski

Rachel is Wyeth’s college friend with a  penchant for looping him into infinitely complex but rewarding volunteer work. Wyeth recently got her back by tempting her adventurous side into eating a water beetle; the resulting facial expression was priceless.


Tim Dunn

Part-time comedian, part-time bike mechanic, part time “Wyeth in the wild” photographer. Tim and Wyeth bonded over a love of beer and biking (and sometimes both at the same time). Unrelated, we also enjoy sharing bike crash stories.